Testing, man can I get in trouble for posting in an empty forum? (child voice kicks in, no not at all)
.... crickets......
Fantastic Josh you made this happen, can't wait to see how it goes.
Testing, man can I get in trouble for posting in an empty forum? (child voice kicks in, no not at all)
.... crickets......
Fantastic Josh you made this happen, can't wait to see how it goes.
Really excited for this! Josh, you rock!
Josh, you're awesome. FeathersUI is awesome. This community is awesome. Congratulations for this new enterprise!
Really happy for you Josh. You have obviously impressed a lot of people for what you have achieved here! Good luck with everything
Can't wait to test Feathers UI on OpenFL
Best of luck with Feathers UI development on OpenFL!
Ivkost Thank you!
I wish you the same and even more success with this new haxe venture as the one with as3 and ... of course lots of fun