Hey Josh.
I'm trying to use ScrollContainer to scroll things horizontally but the same HTML5 app works differently in desktop and mobile browsers.
While on mobile everything works as expected, I can drag left/right, on desktop dragging is not working at all, mouse wheel scrolls only vertically an the only way to scroll content is to drag scrollbar.
My code looks something like this:
content.fixedScrollBars = false;
content.autoHideScrollBars = true;
content.scrollPolicyY = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
content.width = [WIDTH];
content.height = [HEIGHT];
content.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, [WIDTH], [HEIGHT]);
How can I make content to drag with the mouse horizontally on desktop?
How to scroll horizontally with mousewheel?
Are there anything I'm missing?
I'm using OpenFL and Feathers UI 1,0,0-beta,4.
Thank you!