I am looking for someone to convert a piece of AS3 code to Haxe/OpenFL. The code is an extract from a car racing game. Before porting the whole game we want to test a small piece of it in HTML5.
See in Flash Player what is to be ported: https://www.cyberiada.com/dragrace-preview/
This test app contains vector graphics (Adobe Animate), relies on Starling and Feathers. 9K lines of code in 77 AS3 files. Project built with FlashDevelop.
Existing AS3 code does the following:
- Loads descriptions of 3 cars from server (flash.net.Socket, raw TCP).
- Assembles car bodies from vector resources and displays rasterized images (Starling).
- Displays buttons, text labels, lists of cars, popup windows and navigates between screens (Feathers).
Ideally, we would like to have all these points:
- Haxe code compiles to HTML5.
- Haxe code can be translated back to the original AS3 code (which targets Adobe AIR).
- AS3 to Haxe conversion is automated.
Anyway, this is an ideal result. Let us see what could be done here. I am open to your suggestions.
Expected completion: By the end of June approximately.
Fee: Please let me know your desired fee.
You can contact me here or on the company website.
I have completely reviewed the task after discussing it in Feathers discord chat.
New test app to be ported: https://www.cyberiada.com/dragrace-preview-web/
The new test app is extracted from another source code branch of the game. This app has no dependency on Feathers and Starling. 6K code lines in 46 AS3 files, vector graphics (Flash Pro CS6), FlashDevelop.
The AS3 code does these:
- Loads descriptions of 3 cars from server (flash.net.Socket, raw TCP).
- Loads text strings with fl.lang.Locale.loadLanguageXML().
- Displays cars and UI elements using vector assets from swc files (flash.display.*).
As a result of porting we need to have:
- Haxe code compiles to both HTML5 and Flash targets.
- AS3 to Haxe conversion is automated.
Please give me your quote for this task.