Hello Josh,
I sell a BtoB application in the public transport domain (a RIA with very graphic interfaces), and the combo Flex + Flash worked very well for me. Like many others, I'm forced to make it a desktop AIR app now, due to the Flash Player EOF in 2020.
That's why I'm very excited by your port of featherUI to the Haxe platform, and I can't wait to try it, as soon as enough components will be avalaible (especially an efficient DataGrid, if you plan to release one soon).
In your recent news, you tell us that featherUI developpement will be possible in Typescript, via the npm repository. I was a little confused about this statement, so please correct me if I'm wrong:
- I can develop in Haxe + Feather + OpenFL -> I will be able to target any Haxe plateform
- I can develop in Typescript + Feather (JS lib) + OpenFL (JS lib) -> I will be able to target only the web platform (JS)
Is this correct ?